There are many individuals who are well qualified, intelligent, and fulfill all basic requirements for a particular kind of job of their choice. Still they fail to crack the entrance exams even after many attempts. They feel very much discouraged and disappointed in this situation. They are unable to understand what really goes wrong even after trying very hard and putting best effort. Those who are facing such kind of situation can get a government job of their choice by adopting several astrological remedial measures. Chances of getting into a government job can improve manifold just by applying below mentioned simple and useful astrological remedies. The position of Saturn in your horoscope indicates the nature of your profession. Saturn decides what kind of inclination you have and what type of work you find most interesting and fascinating. When Saturn is adverse in the horoscope it creates hardship, obstacles and difficulties in day to day life and many other problems like poor financial condition, depression, sadness etc. on the other hand a strong Saturn in the horoscope signifies favor from government and a government job. Thus by adopting certain astrological remedial measures one can remove evil effects of Saturn and one can get a job of his choice.
Some useful and effective astrological remedial measure which one can adopt to propitiate Saturn are given below:-
• Worship Sani Yantra daily. Establish this yantra with faith and devotion and light a lamp with mustard oil and recite Saturn mantra OM PRAANG PREENG PRAUNG SAH SHAESHCHARAAY NAMAH 108 times daily in front of this yantra after having bath. Recite this Mantra 19000 times within 40 days to get quick results.
• Worship Lord Hanuman Regularly for getting power, authority and vigour. Lord Hanuman is the only deity which can help you to come out of the difficulties and troubles caused by Saturn. Recite Hamuman Chalisa daily. This will bestow you with strong will, brave heart and courage to overcome all obstacles.
• Recite Shani stotram daily for 21 days to remove obstacles and to attain desired results.
• Donate Mustard oil, black Urad and seasame seeds and black cloth on Saturday. Help the needy and serve physically weak and impaired persons.
• Have fast on Saturday and recite ‘Dashrathkrit Sani Strotam’ on Saturday.
• Wear a 14 faced Rudraksha. Wearer of this Rudraksha is blessed with power, authority, name, fame and glory.
• Wear Blue Sapphire of 4 to 6 carat in the gold ring in the middle finger of right hand. This ehnahces destiny and reduces the malefic influence of Saturn. Wear this stone only after consulting an astrologer.
• Wear Turquoise (Phiroza)of 5 to 7 Carat in the middle finger of right hand in silver ring it is considered to be lucky stone which brings favor of Saturn. It is used as a protective shield by people who have to visit areas which are politically sensitive.
• Wear Lapis lazully of 8 to 13 Carat in the middle finger of right hand in the silver ring. It improves mental condition, memory, intuition and sixth sense and eliminates tension.
• Wear Neeli of 6 to 8 Carat in the middle finger of right hand. This is used as a substitute of blue sapphire. It brings optimism and mental abilities and helps one to focus for achieving goals in life.