Weight | 6.25 ratti |
Gomed 6.25 ratti
Gomed is the stone of Rahu. It is filled with the energies of the malefic and the strong planet-Rahu. It is a very powerful gemstone, has many benefits on a physical, emotional and psychological level
It is especially effective gemstone for those who have Sarpa Dosha such as Kalsarpa Dosha etc.
Benefits of Gomed :
Blessed the native with fast and miraculous relief from Sarpa Dosha and its symptoms. Removes confusion and provides mental clarity and a balanced temperament. Rahu periods are often accompanied by confusion, disillusionment and lack of confidence.
Ailments such as Cancer, Skin fear psychosis, mental problems, multiple personality disorders etc are influenced by planet Rahu. Gomed brings in relief and solutions to these problems. Those in politics, public relations, event managers, individuals in commission trade will enjoy vast benefits of this stone. It blesses the individual with power, influence, wealth and success. Relieves from ill health and damaged relationships due to use to use of drugs, alcohol and other damaging substances. Removes fear complexes and blesses the individual with self confidence and the courage to take over anything. It is highly protective against “evil Eye” hexing, problems from spirits, black magic etc. Cure gastric disorders, problems due to win, sluggish metabolism and blesses individual with health, vigour and vitality. Blessed with victory over enemies and negative conditions.